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Airfield location
Aerodrome is located just off the M11 near Duxford. Cambridge and Stevenage are both within easy driving distance.
Fowlmere, SG8 7SH
52.082573° N, 0.060680° E
Get to know airport
and surroundings

Circuit procedures
Avoid overflying the local towns the Bird Sanctuary and the noise sensitive area marked in the NE of the circuit. The circuit has been designed to keep aircraft noise to a minimum in the area.
The circuit is always to the North of the field. RH for 25 and LH for 07.
This avoids conflicts with circuit traffic at Duxford. They usually use circuits to the south of their field.
Circuit altitude is 800 ft (AGL) with a maximum altitude of 500 ft inside Duxford ATZ (base and final leg).
Contact & Frequencies
Fowlmere Radio: 135.705
Duxford Information: 122.080
British Aerobatic Academy: 07712 864 413
Modern Air: 01763 208 281

Arrivals & Departures
Under no circumstances join “overhead”.
Arriving aircraft must first call Duxford Information (122.080) upon arrival in the area. Duxford can provide their QFE and runway in use. Circuit altitude is 800 ft (AGL). Duxford will advise upon changing frequency to Fowlmere Radio (135.705). If there is no response keep making position and intention reports (on Fowlmere Radio) as you complete the circuit, land and vacate the runway.
Aircraft should join at Royston town and either proceed downwind for runway 25 or onto long final for runway 07. Maximum altitude in Duxford ATZ (base and final leg) is 500 ft (AGL).

Call Fowlmere Radio (135.705) for radio check, if there is no response make position and intention reports as you taxi and enter the runway to backtrack.
Prior to departure on Runway 07 call Duxford Information (122.080) to inform them you are “Departing runway 07 at Fowlmere” and remain on their frequency until clear of their ATZ.
Please use VY (best rate of climb speed) to circuit height on departure. Maintain a good lookout as there may be aircraft practising aerobatic routines over and around Duxford.